
Hermes logs events, generates tasks, and tracks tasks in logical groups.


Rather than mimic the overloaded and overused terminology typically used, and in keeping with the Dropbox principal of “cupcake,” Hermes adopts a more interesting language.

Events and Event Types

Events double as journal entries, logging system activities like server restarts, and requests for action, such as a need to restart or turn off a server.

As journal entries, events provide an audit trail and can potentially be used to track a range of activities. As request entries, events can initialize labors and subsequent events would close these labors.

Each event must be of a predefined event type. An event type consists of a category and state, the combination of which provides meaningful grouping and definition:

[1] system-reboot       required
[2] system-reboot       completed
[3] system-maintenance  required
[4] system-maintenance  ready
[5] system-maintenance  completed

Event types are often written simply as category-state, such as system-reboot-required.

An individual event entry consists of the event type, the host, and the time of occurrence.


Labors represent tasks that need to be performed or outstanding issues that need to be addressed for a host. All labors are created and closed as the result of events.

Labors are usually referred to by the event which triggered its creation, so a system-reboot-required event creates a system-reboot-required labor.



The fates define how labors are created and completed. A typical fate will specify which event type will result in the creation of a labor for the host, and which event type will close labors for a host.

[1] system-reboot-required => system-reboot-completed

Chained Fates

An intermediate flag in the definition of a fate indicates if the fate only applies to existing labors. This allows fates to be chained together to essentially create a workflow engine.

For example:

[1] system-maintenance-required => system-maintenance-ready
[2] system-maintenance-ready => system-maintenance-completed

(with the second fate being flagged as an intermediate) would essentially mean:

system-maintenance-required => system-maintenance-ready => system-maintenance-completed

In this example, an event of type system-maintenance-ready only creates a labor if an existing labor created by an event of type system-maintenance-required was present.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Fates can allow multiple ways to resolve a labor.

[1] puppet-restart-required => puppet-restart-completed
[2] puppet-restart-required => system-restart-completed

In this example, a labor created by the event puppet-restart-required can be completed by either a puppet-restart-completed event, or a system-restart-completed event.


Quests are collections of labors, making tracking and reporting of progress much easier.

For example, when a security fix is released that requires all web servers to be restarted, a quest can be created with a system-restart-required labor for all the hosts.

Quests will eventually contain information to outside references, such as Jira tickets.


Development can be tracked at GitHub and Travis_CI


Deletion Support

Currently, nothing can be deleted through the API or client. It would be nice to be able to delete event-types and fates.