
# Format for logging output.
# See
# Type: str
log_format: "%(asctime)-15s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s"

# Number of worker processes to fork for receving requests. This option
# is mutually exclusive with debug.
# Type: int
num_processes: 1

# The port to listen to requests on.
# Type: int
port: 10901

# The address to bind to. By default it listens on all interfaces.
# Type: string
bind_address: ""

# Passing debug option down tornado. Useful for development to
# automatically reload code.
# Type: bool
debug: true

# The domain name to append to user names if not specified
domain: ""

# Specifies whether to use XSRF headers/cookies for API calls. Default: true
# Type: bool
api_xsrf_enabled: false

# Takes a SqlAlchemy URL to the database. More details
# can be found at the following URL:
# Type: str
database: "mysql://localhost:3306/emsdb?user=emsdb&passwd=testpw"

# The server to use to host queries
query_server: "http://localhost:5353/api/query"

# Slack integration (optional)
# slack_webhook:  ""
# slack_proxyhost: "proxyserver:port"

# Email notifications
email_notifications: false
# email_sender_address: "hermes@localhost"

# Always send email notifications to this comma seperated list
# email_always_copy: ""

# This is the expiration (in seconds) of auth_tokens used for API calls
# Type: int
auth_token_expiry: 600

# Sentry DSN if using Sentry to log exceptions.
# sentry_dsn:

# Additional plugin directory (full path)
# plugin_dir:

# Specify the org identifier for FullStory integration
# fullstory_id:

# StrongPOC integration (optional)
# strongpoc_server:

# Specify the environment - dev is default, set to prod for production
# environment: "dev"

# if environment is dev, send emails to the following email address instead
# of actual recipients
# dev_email_recipient: